Elevated PSA with a Negative Biopsy? Need Repeat Biopsy
It can be a frustrating experience to have high Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels leading to a prostate biopsy that ends up being negative for cancer. The elevated PSA usually results in a repeat prostate biopsy.
In a typical prostate biopsy, 1% of the prostate is tested. The positive biopsy rate is 25-30%, which means many men may face the possibility of another biopsy, especially if the PSA continues to rise.
How do we deal with this dilemma? At The Urology Place, Dr Kella has had significant clinical experience using 4K and PHI, which are FDA-approved for patients at risk for prostate cancer with a prior negative biopsy. It is a simple yet powerful blood-based test that can help with the decision-making process for the need for repeat biopsy. The tests have varying insurance coverages.
In addition, Dr Kella we focus on use of MRI for the prostate, which can help rule out previously undetected cancer.